💰Phase 3: Growth and Revenue Sharing

Following the successful launch and having established Telegram Bot v1, we will look to expand the brand and also turn our focus to rewarding the community, especially those who followed us from early on.


Full V2 AI Prediction Bot Development: Collaborate with Tier 1 AI development teams to enhance prediction accuracy and performance for digital assets.

Decentralized Application (dApp) Transformation: Evolve the dApp into a comprehensive digital asset analysis platform with AI-driven prediction, technical analysis, and sentiment analysis features.

Revenue-Sharing Program Expansion: Expand the revenue-sharing program to reward active users and contributors with a portion of platform revenue.

Global Adoption Strategies: Implement strategies to drive global adoption and reach a broader international user base.

Gamification Elements: Introduce gamification elements to incentivize user engagement and participation on the platform.

Advertising and Monetization: Implement a fee-based advertising model to generate revenue and diversify revenue streams for sustainable growth.

Note: Users should be aware that the development of new features and enhancements is subject to various risks, including technical challenges and market conditions. Investing in early-stage projects carries significant risks, and users should conduct thorough due diligence.

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