ðŸĪ–Eagle AI Bot Development Roadmap

The Eagle AI Bot development roadmap is structured into three major tiers, each with specific features that require different amounts of EAI tokens to access:

Bronze Tier (50,000 EAI): Includes basic market analysis, initial predictions, and charting in the beta phase. The Martial Eagle Release provides technical analysis tools, while the Sea Eagle Release adds improved trade detection. The Golden Eagle Release offers detailed sentiment reports and actionable insights.

Silver Tier (75,000 EAI): Provides access to time-based predictions in the Martial Eagle Release. The Sea Eagle Release adds customizable alerts for market events and trading opportunities. The Golden Eagle Release includes advanced sentiment reports using real-time news and social media data.

Gold Tier (100,000 EAI): Includes wallet integration in the Martial Eagle Release. The Sea Eagle Release adds enhanced wallet features, automated trading, sniping functionality, and various trading features. The Golden Eagle Release offers advanced price prediction capabilities, including market shift identification and price impact assessment.

Each phase builds upon the previous one, enhancing the bot's functionality and providing users with increasingly sophisticated tools and insights as they progress through the tiers.

Pricing of the Eagle AI Bot tiers will be re-adjusted to reflect current market prices at the launch of each new release. This enables a fair system whereby newcomers are not priced out of using the bot.

Last updated